Thursday, June 23, 2016

We are having a great summer of swimming!  
If you haven't signed up yet you are missing out!


Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Today, Wednesday June 15th 

It is cold outside but the pool has been heated to 90 degrees. 
(It's almost a hot tub)

It will be chilly when your little ones exit the pool so be ready with their towels to scoop them up.

If it begins to sprinkle, we'll keep swimming. 
If we see or hear lightning or thunder then we will have to cancel. 

See you soon!

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Today, Tuesday, June 16th.

We are cancelling swim lessons today and moving them to the same time on Friday! 

We will discuss what to do if the weather continues this way tomorrow and let you know our plan.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Oh So Fun! Parent-Child Swim Classes

There are many benefits to parent-child classes! 

Swimmers learn the basics of swimming including:
J pool etiquette
J how to be around water
J aquatic readiness
J helps them to feel that water in their face isn't so unusual
J they learn there are fun activities to do in the pool
J prepares them for the next step of more serious swim lessons
J will learn skills that lead to stroke development
J skills introduced include kicking, bubbles, bi-lateral gross motor skills (helps in brain development as well)
J they learn how to be comfortable with getting their face wet, even when they are splashed
J they learn what to do if they fall in the water and the beginning steps of how to float on their own.
J Then, they can work at home, on the skills we teach, in the bathtub or their own pool.
All this while also encouraging parent bonding with their kids in a fun and safe environment.

Spots are still available in our 9:30 classes for sessions 1-5!

Monday, March 21, 2016

2016 Swim

We have some exciting changes this year! 


FIRST - In response to requests over the years and last year's survey we are changing our program to a weekly program.  This will hopefully enable those who have multiple kids with lots of summer activities to get into lessons without missing several days.

TWO - We are considering offering an adult women's water aerobics class but need to know if there is enough interest.  Please comment below if you are interested or send us an email with your thoughts.  It would be offered in the morning, but we are interested in times you feel would work best.

THREE - Our very own swim champion, Taylor, will be offering a stroke clinic later in the summer.  This is for swimmers who can swim well and want to perfect their technique.  If it fills up quickly we may schedule another session, but for now there is only one - so reserve your spots before they're gone!

As always, we will be using the Red Cross Learn to Swim curriculum with a few modifications.

We are looking forward to seeing you this summer!

Friday, March 18, 2016

A few parent comments from our swim lessons...

J. and T. came home today and cried because swim lessons were over.  Thank you so much for helping them learn so much.  I didn't think they'd ever be able to back float, much less jump of the diving board and chicken-eagle-soar to the side of the pool!
Nana L.

My kids can't wait for swim lessons to start.  I had to explain to them that if they are still wearing a jacket outside, it's too cold to swim!  They love Miss Trudi!
Laura S.

I absolutely LOVE the lessons you and your boys are great with the kiddos, and it's nice to see how you work appropriately with all age/skill levels.
Kristen B.

You and your sons are awesome swimming teachers!
Rossana P.

I am so excited! You are just so good about working with me and all my kiddos. The kids were jumping up and down when I told them we were all signed up.
Nanette T.

Class was great today, he really enjoyed it. He is a little dramatic when it comes to getting wet and the water (which I am sure you picked up on...LOL), but I noticed you just had him do it and he seemed to do well. Thanks!!
Jodi H.

Hi Kristen...
Thank you so much for this last session of swim lessons. C. has improved so much! I can't wait until his next session, I'm so excited to see his progress then. I'd love to put C. on the list for your 9:30-10am beginner class. Thanks again for everything!
Katie G.
P.S   I think your boys are absolutely wonderful! They are SO great with kids, C. fell in love with them. Props to you as a wonderful mother for raising such fine young men, what a great example they are.  (This is me reveling in such a wonderful compliment!  :)

Thanks for sending this. As you could probably hear, my kids were being wild in the background while I was speaking to you!! They are so excited and have both asked several times since June when do they "get to go to swimming lessons again" - I love it!! : )
Kristal C.

Thanks so much for teaching T. these past couple of weeks. I am amazed at the progress he made in such a short time. My husband and I tried to teach him many of those same things with absolutely no success! T. obviously thrived in your teaching environment and especially enjoyed Austin and Rocky. He's so proud of his new skills. Every time we go to our neighborhood pool I see him giving other kids pointers on how to correctly back float or do chicken eagle soar or something, lol. He really loved going each day and I'm so happy (and amazed) at the growth of his confidence in the water. So thank you!
Sara W.