Scared Swimmer?

It's scary to take a scared child to swim lessons, but we are here to help!

One thing we've noticed over the many years we've taught is that in general the older the child is and the longer they've been afraid, the more resistant they are to learning. It is important to recognize that a fear of swimming is not unusual and many people learn to swim in spite of it. We've had many crying students over the years, and most of them have learned how to swim. A few of them took many sessions over many summers, but continually gained confidence to try a little more and a little more with each week.

Like making your child wear a seat-belt or ride in their car seat when they throw a crying fit because they'd rather roam the car freely, making your child learn water safety skills even if they are scared, is critical. Sometimes kids scream and cry, but we do what is best for them anyway. If your child screams and cries about swim lessons, we will do our best to comfort and encourage them. We've learned that pushing a child past their comfort level isn't very effective, but we've also learned that clear communication, no surprises, and sensitivity to fears with realistic expectations advances kids confidence and ability to learn. 

We won't force frightened children into something they aren't ready for, and yet, there is a fine line between being sensitive and taking it slow, and never pushing for advancement. We've had several parents come to us with the story that their child has taken swim lessons for 4 weeks every summer and 3 summers later their child still is hesitant to put their head underwater, they are frustrated and they want to see progress.

With swim resistant kids, we will take our cues from the child and their parents and will always treat your child's feelings and fears with respect. We will also encourage and create opportunities for them to try new things and push themselves further.

As always, parents are welcome to sit and observe either within view of their child or out of their child's view. We want you to feel secure as well.

Here are some links you might find helpful.

If you have other links that you think would be helpful to others, feel free to leave the link in a comment.

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