Class Descriptions

For the year of 2019, we will be teaching Private Lessons only

Student and Class SIZE specifications described below are incorrect and should be disregarded for the summer of 2019.

Everything else remains unchanged.

Beginner Class:
  • up to 6 kids 
  • 3 instructors in the pool 
  • minimum age is 3 years old 
  • potty trained

Intermediate Class:

  • up to 6 kids 
  • 3 instructors in the pool 
  • minimum age is 3 years old 
  • potty trained

Having low student to teacher ratio gives the students the opportunity to work with each instructor, often finding one that they identify with especially well.  It also allows us to provide a great deal of instruction both one-on-one and small group.  The students are always engaged in a learning activity.

Beginner Class (1:2 teacher to student ratio. Max 6 students):
This class is for all students who cannot swim the width of the pool (approx. 6 yards) independently either underwater or on their stomach or back, without stopping. Beginners will work on holding their breath under water, complete submersion, front and back floating, bobbing, supported swimming on tummy and back, independent swimming, safe water entries and exits, and jumping in from the side and the diving board if appropriate. The goal for this level is to get them comfortable in the water, swimming independently across the width of the pool while breathing independently and correctly. This class approximates Levels 1 and 2 in the Red Cross Learn To Swim Levels.

Intermediate Class (1:2 teacher to student ratio. Max 6 students):
This class is for students who can independently swim the width of the pool (approx 8 yards) without stopping using one of the following strokes: front crawl, breast stroke, or underwater. Students will work on front crawl with rhythmic breathing, increased ability to hold breath under water, breast stroke, whip kick (or frog kick, the kick that goes with the breast stroke), treading water in the deep end, introduction to diving, with a focus on swimming the length of the pool and further distances independently. This class approximates Levels 3-4 in the Red Cross Learn To Swim Levels.

*If, after reading the class descriptions below, you aren't sure which class to put them in, put them in beginner. With a 1:2 teacher:student ratio, they will get the individualized instruction they need.